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Re: [vtp-dev] Unable to access the svn repository

Dirk -

You might want to send a note to the Eclipse IT guys to see if your permissions have been properly setup yet. Sometimes they wind up with questions and don't finish the job until you contact them. Try: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx

I wish I was more knowledgeable to answer your other questions, but I will give it a try.

I have asked before what the target JRE is, and never got an answer. I am writing to 1.5 myself.

My guess is that the org.apache.log4j is widely used within Eclipse already. The legal process of contributing code probably requires you to somewhere declare that dependence. Likewise for your jvxml-client code. Since it was done outside the Eclipse project, it probably should be submitted as a contribution, with a proper Contribution Questionnaire filled out, and blessing from the Eclipse legal folks. Since it is your code, you can speak for it, and there should be little problem. I would say you should contribute the jar, not the code. The VTP project lead should have final say on that, however.

The Eclipse Foundation is very particular about making sure the legal status of code used in Eclipse is "squeaky clean", so anytime code is brought into the environment from outside, it has to go through approval processes. When I did the Tellme launcher in 2005, I wanted to use some third-party framework to generate Java classes to match a Windows DLL interface. In the end, the legal folks were not comfortable with that, and I wound up having to write everything myself by hand. Since I last did a contribution in 2005, the Foundation has done some refinement of the legal processes, and I have not gone through the new process myself yet. Good luck.

I, too, noticed the missing rhino jar earlier when trying to build OpenVXML. My solution was to stop building it. I don't even need it for the work I am doing anyway.

-- Mike

Dirk Schnelle wrote:

although I should be an active committer I am not able to commit my code
to the jvoicexml trunk.

I am able to login in to the portal. I tried to commit my code using
https and svn+ssh protocol without success.

Some other questions:
- What is the target JRE? 1.6?
- I have a dependency to the org.apache.log4j plugin. Is this OK?
- I need a jar (jvxml-client.jar) from the jvoicexml project to access
the resources. Shall I add the code or the jar?

- org.eclipse.vtp.scripting.rhino needs a jar js.jar which is missing


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