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RE: [vtp-dev] VTP project deployment


So you have the war deployed on tomcat, which VoiceXML browser are you
using to play the application? This sounds like it might be the missing
step for you.  

Check out Voxeo's Prophecy...  it's has a free small browser and works
great.  (there are some interesting issues w/ how they handle speech
recognition grammars in menus however these can be worked around...)
check them out at, there is a download link on the right
side of the website. 

Below is a great step by step from Randy @ openmethods. We'll reuse his

Good luck...


Hi Tom.  I use openVXML with Prophecy frequently -- they work well
together.  The one piece of the puzzle not provided by either Voxeo or
openVXML is the java servlet container -- this is the mechanism which
executes the the code you've created and provides the VXML to Prophecy.
I generally use Apache's Tomcat for this, though you'll also need to
install a JRE for Tomcat to use.  Assuming you've got Tomcat and the JRE
installed and working, try this to get your application answering calls:

* Export the application as a web app, which will result in a .war file.

* Drop the .war into Tomcat's webapps directory.  A few seconds later, a
folder with the name of the .war file should appear -- your app is ready
to provide VXML. 
* Test the application with a web browser -- you should be able to put
the URL in a browser address bar and see VXML.  The only tricky part
here is determining the URL to use.  It's a combination of the war file
name (without the .war) and the project name within openVXML.  For
example, I recently created a project called WeatherDemo, which was
exported as weatherDemo.war.  The URL was 


(note the difference in case -- it's important.  Also, you may need to
replace "localhost" with a specific IP or machine name, depending on
where your Tomcat is installed) 

You'll know it's working when you see something like: 

<vxml version="2.0"> 
<form id="OutputMessageForm" scope="document"> 
<block name="OutputMessageBlock"> 
<prompt bargein="true" xml:lang="en-US"> 
<audio src="/weatherDemo/-/resources/English/welcome.vox"/> 
<goto next="/weatherDemo/-/next"/> 
<catch event="connection.disconnect.hangup"> 
<goto next="/weatherDemo/-/abort"/> 

(N.B.  I do my testing in Firefox, which always shows the VXML.
Occasionally when doing the same thing in IE, I'd get a blank page --
but then if you select View -> Source, the VXML would appear) 

* Configure Prophecy with the application (in the Prophecy Management
Console, under Call Routing.  Pick one of the routes, provide an ID
(you'll use this when making a SIP call), paste in the URL, make sure
the route type is VXML and then save your changes). 
* Make the call.  With the above example, if the application had been
configured in Prophecy with a route ID of "weather" and the IP for the
prophecy box was, you'd make a SIP call to

Good luck, 
Randy Childers 

-----Original Message-----
From: vtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:vtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Faheem Inayat Chaudhary
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:22 AM
To: vtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [vtp-dev] VTP project deployment

Dear Team,

Sorry! it might sound very noob, but that's where I'm badly stuck at.
All I wanted was a quick test of voice development to choose between
tools/technologies, but this one is taking much more time that I am
able to spend.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I used eclipse VTP to develop an application (following the flash
demos) and am able to get a .war file successfully.  Unfortunately, so
far I'm not been able to move from this point ahead.  I have my war
file deployed in tomcat's webapps directory, now what are the next
steps to follow to be finally able to use my SIP client to interact
with the deployed application.  I could not get any SIP settings to
work, and also suggest what else I'd be needing (any other
server/tool/deployment etc.).

Thanks and regards,
vtp-dev mailing list

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