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Re: [vtp-dev] JVoiceXML 0.5 browser plugin preview

> If you are the sole author or can get all the authors of that codebase
> to license under the terms of the EPL, I'll put it through the
> contribution process. 

I am the author of all classes that are in that jar. However, I will ask
all developers, if there is anything against that.

> One problem I can forsee is that if you ever recieve a contribution
> from someone you'll need to make sure they are giving you the
> contribution in terms of the LGPL and the EPL if you want to
> contribute those changes as well. 

That might be a problem. But this jar contains mainly a set of
interfaces, a set of events and classes for remote access to the
implementation on the server  (which remains LGPL).

The latter two are almost stable and I hope that there are not too many
issues for the interfaces. 

But this is an intersting point. Licensing is always difficult and there
will be some pitfalls. But: I am optimistic for that.

So I drop you a note, if I got a response from the developers.


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