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RE: [ve-dev] Disabling swing Palette

"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/14/2004 03:47 AM

Please respond to

RE: [ve-dev] Disabling swing Palette

Hi Rich,
We felt the need for greater control over the palette. Thanks for taking this up.
I agree with you. The order does not matter in the second pass anyway because all the categories are already available.
However, can you take the order from the plugin dependencies specified in the plugin.xml? That will give some "declarative" handle. I read some where that contributors of all the plugins on which a plugin depends will be called before the contributor of that plugin.

>>> RLK >>> The updates for any particular ContainerID contributor are in plugin order, however your problem is that the contributors are for two different containers, JRE Container and ULC Container. There is no "plugin order" that can be defined between different container ids. All of the contributors for a containerid are called in the plugin order of the contributions. But the order that containerids are processed is undetermined. There is no particular order to them. We process per container id.
Moreover, is there a possibility to dynamically add beans to the palette? For instance, if one create a class that extends a bean which is on the palette. This class is available to in Choose Beans. It will be nice if it is available on the palette too. This will help when one is making custom UI components. Bug 50409 is also about this issue.

>>> RLK >>> That is not something that can be addressed at this time. We can't automatically add a bean just because it extends one on the palette. It has to be a conscious choice by the user. If we added all beans that extend a bean on the palette then the palette would get too large too quickly.
- Janak
-----Original Message-----
ve-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ve-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Rich Kulp
Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:49 PM
Re: [ve-dev] Disabling swing Palette


As for the problem with the palette, I'm thinking of doing this. What do you think? Please let me know so that I can start developing it.

I'm thinking of changing the IVEContributor so that it has a two-pass contribution.

Pass 1 would be to contribute categories. During this call, only categories can be added. Contributor should not move, or remove any other categories

After all contributors had a chance to add categories they will be called back with pass 2. In this pass they may move or remove categories. They mustn't add any cats. at this time. This will give everyone a chance to see the full list.

In both passes the order the contributors are called is still undetermined. This isn't any determined order that makes sense for this that I can think of.



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