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Re: [tycho-user] Resolve Maven plugin dependencies from target platform?

Hi Sven,

thank you for your reply.

> there is no inherent coupling between the libs needed by the plugin and the libs needed by the generated code.
> It is just that you are generating an Xtext language infrastructure using an Xtext language infrastructure (i.e. the *.xtext grammar language).
> So of course the dependencies are very alike, but this is just a result of the bootstrapping. There are clear version constraints for both the plugin and the
> generated bundle projects. I hope this is understandable.

Maybe you can shed some more light on the way versions are handled.

I have an Xcore model like the following [1]. Using the
xtext-maven-plugin defined in my pom.xml [2] takes this model as input
and generates Java code based on the Xcore language definition found in
the plugin's dependencies. This Java code assumes that the Xcore runtime
library in a certain version (range) is present. Correct?

Now, as far as I know, you can leave it to Xtext to rewrite the
MANIFEST.MF and add the appropriate version ranges:


Even if this directive would work with the xtext-maven-plugin (it has no
effect in my build. Bug?), letting the code generation step rewrite the
MANIFEST.MF clashes with with the way Tycho works (at least to my
limited understanding of Tycho). By the time the rewrite happens Tycho
has already read the old, non-rewritten MANFIEST.MF and build its mental
model of the project dependencies based on that.

Moreover, whatever the xtext-maven-plugin generates during a "mvn clean
install" normally just won't be checked into SCM.

So, automatically letting the code generator fill in the version ranges
in the MANIFEST.MF doesn't seem to work well -- at least not during the
code-generation step part of a "mvn clean install".

What is the recommended workflow then? Trigger code generation manually
every once in a while and explicitly check in the generated MANIFEST.MF?

> I still see that it would be convenient to reuse the dependency definitions but I don’t see how we could do something for that in Xtext.

One way would be let Tycho resolve the xtext-maven-plugin's dependencies
to the bundles defined in the target platform (hence my original
question), but as Igor said this might be hard/impossible.

Best wishes,



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