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Re: [tycho-user] Can tycho build both an eclipse OSGi bundle and a test jar from one project?

>>>>> Jeff MAURY <jeffmaury@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> I found it not relevant as it does not cover the UI unit tests and it
> does not follow the Tycho conventions (directories configured in

I don't want UI unit tests right now.  What I am doing is defining the
model for a simple GEF editor and I want to do TDD to create the model.

So I found the blog post highly relevant.

And it kind-of-sort-of works... that is: it works when running maven
from the command line.

But it doesn't work in m2e, which sort of defeats the TDD purpose,
because m2e doesn't pick up on the testSourceDirectory setting
("src/test/java" doesn't appear in the eclipse project).

I guess I could create a separate test project that isn't a plugin
project and use ordinary project dependencies for that... that would
work for TDD but not for command line maven builds (at least I don't
think so...?).

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