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Re: [tycho-user] Can tycho build both an eclipse OSGi bundle and a test jar from one project?

I found it not relevant as it does not cover the UI unit tests and it does not follow the Tycho conventions (directories configured in


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Steinar Bang <sb@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Steinar Bang <sb@xxxxxx>:

> Is it possible for tycho to build both an eclipse OSGi bundle and a test
> jar from one single project?

> The idea is to write JUnit test classes that tests the classes in the
> OSGi bundle without going through OSGi, ie. use the bundle as a plain
> old jar.

> As for the question: "why would I want to do that?", the answer is that
> I would like to unit test the business logic in the Java classes without
> thinking about all of the surrounding layers.

I found this blog post, which looks promising:

tycho-user mailing list


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