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Re: [tycho-user] Tycho seems to not pull guice-multibinders properly… possibly because it's a fragment? (Was: Re: Guice and multibinders OSGI versioning and metadata)

Further painful clarification - the problem I'm describing seems quite specific to fragment resolution, not bundle resolution.  Any bundles I had pulled in through maven/tycho/m2e/eclipse seem to resolve just fine.


On Jun 6, 2012, at 11:16 AM, Christian Edward Gruber wrote:

> Hey Igor,
> On Jun 4, 2012, at 8:41 PM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
>> I attached a working example just in case.
> Ok.  Using your test project, I tried several scenarios.  Short version is… it works on the command-line, and fails in M2E.
> In order for it to work in Tycho, I needed to either use Orbit's version or a local version of 3.0.1 guice that I built that includes mcculls's fix to include "Eclipse-ExtensibleAPI: true" fix.  In this case, Tycho seems to be able to find things. 
> However, in Eclipse, somewhere between Tycho, Tycho-m2e, m2e, and the PDE, there's no love.  The is not added to the plugin dependencies in the PDE, unless I can get that dependency satisfied from another source, a P2 repository.  But if I want it to come from a maven repository, even with <considerPom>true</considerPom> active int he config (which it is in your sample project), no go.  
> PROBABLY IMPORTANT OBSERVATION: Actually, any maven project (even with OSGI metadata) that isn't open in my eclipse workspace as well is not resolved.
> To be even clearer - If I have guice and guice-multibinders projects open and updated in eclipse with m2e, everything resolves, and those projects are in my plugin-dependencies.  If the projects are closed, the "cannot resolve" problem in eclipse resumes.  This is after having done a "mvn install" on guice to make sure it can resolve from my local cache, which totally works from the CLI.  
> (Small side note… aopalliance-1.0.jar has no OSGI metadata, so I had to create  side artifact with felix to bundle its content with some OSGI metadata and include that too if I wanted to use guice-3.0.1 to satisfy multibinders-test's dependency, unless I used Orbit's p2 repo which also repackages that one.) 
> Is tycho-user@ the right list to keep talking about the m2e-tycho bridge issues? I'm happy to keep trying to debug this with whoever needs to do it. 
> Environment Details:
> Eclipse 3.8-RC2 and 4.2-RC2 (same issues), on ubuntu and Mac OS X lion
> M2E
>  -> Tycho Project Configurators -
>     -> PDE 3.8.0.v20120104-1740-blahblahblah
>  -> Other m2e connectors at (build-helper, mavenarchiver)
> cheers,
> Christian.

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