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[tycho-user] Generating code from XText project

Hi everybody,

here's my next problem: I'd like to avoid checking in generated code. So
far, I'm generating code from JavaCC, EMF, and GMF within my build - the
only missing one is code from an XText grammar.

I tackled this based on the following blog entry:

However, this doesn't work, the error is as follows:

[ERROR] mf.mwe2.launch.runtime.Mwe2Launcher – Couldn’t find module
[ERROR] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Couldn’t find module
[ERROR] at

As far as I can see, the problem seems to be that the src folder of my
XText project is not added to the classpath. The executed command looks
like this:

I asked the blog entry's author, and the only difference between my pom
and his seems to be that I'm using Tycho 0.13.0-SNAPSHOT, in contrast to
0.12.0 which Fabian uses (this is not surprising, since I copied his pom
and adjusted it for my needs).

Here's my pom (which adds the project's src folder as a resource):

Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? Or is it even a bug?

Thanks in advance once more,

George Burns: "The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning
and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible."

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