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Re: [tigerstripe-users] TigerStripe profile questions and other

Title: Re: [tigerstripe-users] TigerStripe profile questions and other
Hi Miguel,

See my comments/answers inline below.

Hope this helps,

On 5/14/09 10:29 AM, "Amaral De Figueiredo, Miguel (EXT-Other - PT/Amadora)" <miguel.amaral_de_figueiredo.ext@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a few questions about TigerStripe, maybe you can know the answers and help me:

1. I defined several profiles with stereotypes and so on, but I could only use one at a time. Is it possible to have various active profiles? Also when I export something to UML, only the active stereotypes appear.
ED> You can only have 1 active profile at a time in Tigerstripe. So, all projects in your workspace can only use a single profile (the active one) at once. Of course, you can define multiple profile “files”, but only 1 can be made active for the workspace at once.

2. Is it possible to define inheritance and associations between stereotypes?
ED> no. This has not been discussed yet.

3. I tried to import existing EMF UML2 profiles into TigerStripe but no stereotypes appear.
ED> We have spent quite a bit of time working out the import from Rationale into Tigerstripe as far as profiles are concerned. Not sure how close/different these are from UML2. Do you have a example that you could shared (you can unicast me)?

4. I read that TigerStripe projects can be shared through CVS. I SVN or ClearCase supported? Are there interfaces for model merging or is it all text based?
ED> Tigerstripe stored each model artifact in a separate file. We rely on the Eclipse integrations with CVS, SVN and other to interact. We have been using it with CVS and SVN. I don’t think we have experience with ClearCase, but *in theory* Tigerstripe should not require anything specific. Also, we don’t have any specific model merging tool. Also, since all artifacts are single files, in practice even on large models edited by a distributed team, it reduces significantly the number of conflicts.

5. Does TigerStripe support some kind of modeling time validation or model debugging. Can it be extended to do this task?
ED> not sure what you mean by model debugging, but in terms of model validation, you can use a specific ext. point to implement any additional logic you may need. We call it “model auditing”. Check out

Best regards,
Miguel Figueiredo

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