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Re: [technology-pmc] Moving Code from Recommenders.Incubator to Recommenders project

Am 11.04.2014 um 10:50 schrieb Andreas Sewe <andreas.sewe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> As our recommenders.incubator encompasses quite a few different projects
> and Git repos (only parts of a single Git repo will be moved), that
> means a large number of CQs (even if they are only piggy-back CQs on
> Orbit) for libraries that are not used by the moved portion of code.

You don’t need CQs for dependencies inherited from other Eclipse projects. But you do need CQs for any additional library you use even for incubation projects. 

EMO and/or the IP team should be able to confirm that but I believe that it’ should be possible to scope the IP log to the portion of the code that you are moving. 


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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