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Re: [stp-pmc] Active committers?

Please find attached a CSV file containing a list of current committers
and their respective status. The scheme I have used here is to make 
each committer with one of four states and a possible modifier. The 
states are

The committer is committing code right now. This includes people 
who have been committing code for a long while, and people who
have just started and will be continuing.

Ceased Activity
These are the folk that I know have moved jobs, or who won't be 
committing any code in the medium future.

These committers have not made any commits on the project as 

Partially Active
These committers have made commits on the project, but have not
made commits in a while. They generally still respond to bugs and
scan the mailing lists. 

Some of  the states are marked with a '*' - this is a qualifier which 
indicates that I have some indication that the individual in question
will change to a more active state in the near future, or that the 
individual in question is still strongly interested in the project.

Next steps - 1) please take a look at the list and if you have any
more information on committers that are marked as Inactive or 
Partially Active do let stp-pmc know about it; 2) we contact 
committers that are marked as Inactive and Partially Active that
do not have '*' qualifiers and ask them do they want to continue
with their committer status.

Timeline - please send feedback to stp-pmc before Aug 9th, on
that date we will divide up the contacting task between PMC 

As usual, comments and suggestions are welcome.

 best regards

Attachment: STPCommitters.csv
Description: Binary data

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