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Re: [stellation-res] Downloads area reorganized: libraries required by Stellation are now available

At 05:50 PM 12/5/2002, David Shields wrote:

Re library downloads, could you please rename download names for log4j and
jakarta-oro to be log4j.jar and jakarta-oro.jar? We
should use the same names in install.html and our web site.


I just looked at the downloads page again (index.html).

It lists "Log4J'" as the library name, and "log4j-1.2.5.jar" as the downloadable binary.
Jakarta-ORO and the other libraries are handled the same way.

I think it would be confusing to show this as:
        Library         Binary Code
        log4j.jar               log4j-1.2.5.jar

because it makes it sound like "log4j.jar" is an actual binary file - not the case.

Also -- since Xerces is actually two jars currently, I thought it was more clear to use "Xerces" as the library name and then list the two jars explicitly under binary code.

I agree the same names should be used in install.html and the web site.
If you want to change install.html to use the full jar name -- e.g. "log4j-1.2.5.jar"
-- I'll be happy to change the downloads page to only show that name.
In that case, I'll probably drop the 'Library" column from the table, keeping the
'Binary Code' column.

Conversely, you could use "Log4J" in install.html; this has the advantage of reducing document maintenance if/when we change to a later revision of log4j -- if that happens, we only need to change the 'Binary Code' entry on the downloads page, and install.html
can rest in peace.

Please let me know which tack you want to take, for both consistency and clarity.

- JIm

There is no need for postgres jdbc. It's not needed when doing client
install, and server install can always link to the copy of
the jdbc driver that must be present on the machine. It's really a bug that
postgres...jar mentioned in install document; it should only be
mentioned in the postgresql configuration document. I'll fix this soon.

Hmm.  I guess I need to check whether the Stellation CM client can be built
without *any* JDBC driver present -- I seem to recall that the build failed
when I removed the postgres jar from my class path, some months back.
I''ll check.

Re nightly build directory problem, I'll investigate, though I plan to
avoid using a directory for each day shortly, as it's a pain with CVS to
have lots of directories.

That's for sure!

- Jim

Jim Wright, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: jwright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------- Personal Email: jim.wright@xxxxxxx

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