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Re: [stellation-res] Updates to, and questions about posting a new build

At 08:57 PM 11/28/2002, Mark C. Chu-Carroll wrote:
Jim Wright - IBM Research wrote:

At 09:07 PM 11/27/2002, Jonathan Gossage wrote:

> >Input, please --
> >
I would be tempted to hold off posting anything new until we have shaken
down the new install process and build processes. Anyone who needs immediate
access to the source code can get it through CVS.

That's fine by me, if that's the consensus.
n that case, we may want to simply disable the Downloads page entry for the
source drop, with a message like this: "The bundled source drop is
temporarily unavailable, until our new build and install processes are
worked out.  We encourage all interested parties to access the source code
directly from the CVS repository, and hope to restore the source drop link

I really think we should be getting regular builds up ASAP. The build scripts
should be working; there's no good reason to not distribute them as they
are, to let people try them out. We'll never get to a stable build/install
without letting people try them. It will also force a bit of discipline on us,
which frankly, I think we need.


OK, here's one way to proceed:

1. I can trivially change the Downloads web page to link to "current_stellation_build.tgz"
(a zip is easy to add as well, if that's desirable).

2. The last part of the regular local build process can tar up the relevant bits and then
check the tar file into CVS, on, using the magic name(s) per 1.
We can probably do this in Eclipse using an Ant script, if there's an issue with
command-line CVS access (I don't use that, so I don't know...)

While this won't show the version number or date in the web page, it's a very simple way of getting fresh builds up as they are cooked, without having to manually tweak a web page. If we want to have dates or version numbers showing, there's probably a fairly simple way to regen the Downloads page with updated version info and check
that in as well.


- Jim

Jim Wright, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
*** The Stellation project: Advanced SCM for Collaboration
*** Work Email: jwright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------- Personal Email: jim.wright@xxxxxxx

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