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[stellation-res] Issue 23585: running tests via Ant

I just opened Bugzilla 23585 to track progress on this issue.

All work will be done in misc/tests/command. Tests 0 and 1 now
run correctly. The framework seems ok, so it's now just a matter of
working through the remaining tests. I should be done in a few days.

By the way, 'svc' now has a 'perform' command. This command is not part 
of normal operation, but is intended for use in installing and testing 
the system. Subcommands include:

  svc perform compare --options=files file1 file2

'compare' compares two files for equality. The files may be
directories in which case a recursive comparison of their contents is
performed.  Options is a list of comma-separated list of names of
files to be ignored; for example --options=CVS,SVC,.svcrc The
command returns 0 if no differences are found, 1 otherwise.
The comparison is exhaustive only if no differences are found,
else comparison stops on finding the first difference. --verbose
may be used to list the reason if the comparison fails.

  svc perform indent file

'indent' reads the specified file and writes in to standard output
in the same way Svc writes all XML files. Attributes are listed in
sorted order.

These are implemented using util/FileCompare, util/XMLWriter,
 and workspace/Perform.

I had originally written FileCompare intending to use it as basis for
Ant extension since Windows doesn't have 'diff', but it just seemed
easier to make this part of svc.

The 'indent' is meant for use in keeping build.xml files in normal form.
xemacs didn't have formatting for xml files (or if it did, I couldn't
find it). I downloaded an 'xml tidy' program via, only
to find it was written in C and didn't support CDATA. I said to myself
"Hmmm, why didn't the author use Xerces?". Then I realized svc did,
and that I had already written the pretty-printing code (util/XMLWriter),
and so only needed to expose its function so it could be used stand-alone.


Dave Shields, IBM Research, shields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 

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