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[ptp-user] PTP synchronized projects environment management


could it be that a manual environment management script (added to "Manage 
Synchronize Configurations" - "manually specify environment configuration 
commends") sometimes doesn't get executed ?

I have one local and two remote configurations. The two remote configurations 
are almost the same, they even use the same build configuration. But there is 
one difference in the two remote hosts.
1.  One has modules installed, but "module avail" doesn't offer me too many 
choices, so I put the following into the manual configuration entry.
. /opt/intel/composerxe/bin/ intel64; \
. /opt/intel/impi/4.1.0/bin64/
(one line only, the '\' was added for better readability of this post).
When compiling, I see a line like the following.
**** Environment configuration script temporarily stored in 
/tmp/ptpscript_OGSCr5 ****
The make completes without error.
2. The other has no modules installed, but /opt/intel is pointing to
the same place (in /gpfs) as on the other host. So I was using the very same 
manual configuration entry (and the same build configuration).
But now I don't see a line '**** Environment...' and make fails with the 
message that mpiicc is not known.

To me this indicates that the manual configuration script is not executed.

In earlier PTP-versions, build configurations had a box that could be ticked to 
indicate that the build configuration would be a remote configuration. I would 
have expected something similar in the synchronization configuration wizard --- 
but I couldn't find it.

Any comments ? Any secret synchronization configuration items that I have 
missed ?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Dr. Christoph Pospiech
High Performance & Parallel Computing
Phone: +49-351 86269826
Mobile: +49-171-765 5871
E-Mail: christoph.pospiech@xxxxxxxxxx
IBM Deutschland GmbH / Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter
Geschäftsführung: Martina Koederitz (Vorsitzende), Reinhard Reschke, Dieter 
Scholz, Gregor Pillen, Christian Noll, Ivo Koerner
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Ehningen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 
14562 / WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 99369940 

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