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Re: [ptp-user] ssh woes


On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Christoph Pospiech <Christoph.Pospiech@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

experimenting with remote connections (as necessary part of synchronized
projects) I noted a few ssh oddities.

- apparently, remote connections doesn't seem to cooperate with ssh-agent. Is
this planned to change some time ?
We would like to support it. But it difficult because Java doesn't have direct access (see So I don't know if it will be supported.

- I first thought that I couldn't use ssh public/private key pairs with a pass-
phrase, but then I found a description of the following work around in
- remove the pass-phrase
- import the the into eclipse key management
- set a new pass phrase within eclipse
- save the changed private key
- re-distribute the public key

I found this work around, but no indication that this was filed as a bug. Is
this a known bug ?
You are trying to create a RemoteTools connection? You don't need to import it to General->Network Connections->SSH2. As far as I know we don't use the keys configured there for RemoteTools connections.

You can specify your ssh private key when you create the connection. You can create the connection either by:
- Right Click->Create in the Remote Enviroments View
- or by clicking "New..." on the last page of the new synchronized project wizard.

In that connection wizard you can click "Public key based authentication" and you can leave the field empty for the pass-phrase. It'll ask you on each connection for the pass-phrase.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Dr. Christoph Pospiech
High Performance & Parallel Computing
Phone: +49-351 86269826
Mobile: +49-171-765 5871
E-Mail: christoph.pospiech@xxxxxxxxxx
IBM Deutschland GmbH / Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter
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