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Re: [ptp-dev] Replace with latest from HEAD

I forgot to follow up on this...

> Yes I also woudn't use Egit for rebasing yet. But then again
> I wouldn't recommend to use rebase at all - unless you are
> already somewhat of an Git expert (i.e. have read most of ProGit

In the environment setup instructions, developers are told to set branch.autosetuprebase, branch.master.rebase, etc. So, every PTP developer (in theory) is rebasing every time they pull. I understand that gives a nicer history. But, if EGit isn't up to the task and developers aren't comfortable with the command line, I'm not sure that we want to be recommending that.

So... should developers be setting those properties, or should we change the instructions?

On another topic, thanks for the Pro Git reference, Roland. That's exactly what I've been looking for. Now if I can only find the time to actually read it... :)


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