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[ptp-dev] launch changes


I've made some changes to the PTP launch configuration:

1. A mechanism to get notification of job state changes has been added. To use this, provide a class that implements ILaunchNotification, then register it by calling PTPLaunchPlugin.addLaunchNotificationListener. The jobStateChange method will then be invoked whenever the state of the job changes.

2. The visibility of the ParallelLaunchConfigurationDelegate has been increased. I noticed that the external tools framework was extending this, but it was in an internal package.

Wyatt, a question. I notice that your code is doing this:

public class ParallelPerformanceLaunchConfigurationDelegate extends ParallelLaunchConfigurationDelegate [
public void launch(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launchIn, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
PerformanceLaunchManager plaunch=new PerformanceLaunchManager(new ParallelLaunchConfigurationDelegate(), lf);

Are you sure you want to create a new instance of ParallelLaunchConfigurationDelegate here? Can't you just pass "this"?


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