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Re: [polarsys-iwg] State Machine Diagram display options



Here is an asnwer from Ansgar (cc this email):


Can you please precise what kind of event is behind the trigger? The state-machine diagram does not display the name of the trigger (in your case lamp_on_trig), but the details of the event that is behind the trigger. For instance, if your trigger is based on a SignalEvent, the shown information is the name of the signal (not the name of the signal event). It's usually better to display this information, since the name of the trigger might be misleading or is often unset.

If a trigger has no event, "all" is displayed. This is likely the case for your model. Please note that a trigger must always have at least one event, as defined in the UML meta-model. However, displaying "all" in case of no event is probably not what the user expects. Can you please create a bug report?

The reason why you get "OpaqueBehavior" is probably similar. Instead of the name of the opaque behavior, its first body is shown. Thus, I guess your opaque behavior does have not have any bodies.




BTW, did you ask the question on the Papyrus Forum?



Best… Sébastien.





Sébastien Gérard

Head of the LISE labs and leader of the Eclipse Papyrus project (

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DILS/Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués (LISE),

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De : polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Rob Collins
Envoyé : lundi 3 mars 2014 13:58
À : polarsys-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : [polarsys-iwg] State Machine Diagram display options


Could you help me please?

I am trying to produce a sysML tutorial  using Topcased (Polarsys). When drawing State Machine Diagrams I can't  find out how to display details of triggers / effects on the diagram itself.

As the attached screenshot shows - the transition is labelled with a  name, but also a very generic labelling for the transition. In  previous versions of Topcased this actually showed the name of the event, and the action - which made the diagram much more explicit and easy to read. As it is shown in this screenshot the diagram is hardly useful at all - as there is no detail on the transition.

I have tried many different options - but can't find out how to 
display the information captured in the Properties window onto the diagram.

Very grateful for any solutions to this.

Rob Collins

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