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Re: [polarsys-iwg] UML Generators proposal


i'm involved in the maintenance of the UML2C/C2UML component at CS.
And i think that your proposal is necessary to bring better consistency in the UI.

So i could provide work to help these plugins adhere any specification provided by this new UML Generator project for Polarsys. I will follow any work effort on that project.

Fabien Toral
CS Communication & Systems

Le 23/01/2014 12:13, FAURE Tristan a écrit :
About UML generator project, it could make sense to have one entry point (one dialog/menu/preferences....) for all of these.

In TOPCASED some of these generators was present in previous versions but community was quite lost to find them.

Is it plan to do some refactor to provide a GUI and extension point for the migrated generators ?


Tristan FAURE

-----Message d'origine-----
De : polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Gaël Blondelle
Envoyé : dimanche 12 janvier 2014 21:53
À : Polarsys IWG
Objet : Re: [polarsys-iwg] UML Generators proposal

Translating in English for the rest of the community ;).


IS2T is very interesting in UML related topic:
  * UML2Java : It  converts Class and State diagrams into Java code.
  * UML2HRTJ : It converts Structure Composite, Class and State diagrams
               into Java code based on HRTJ
               (Hard RealTime Java Specification).
I would add a third item which is the study of the glue between two generations done from the same UML model with generation partly in Java and in C.


The attached document proves that it is possible to do hard real time java in a DO178B certification context.

Best regards,
fred rivard
Le 10 janv. 2014 à 21:10, Fred Rivard, PhD a écrit :

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: Re: [polarsys-iwg] UML Generators proposal Date : Fri, 10 Jan
2014 15:23:33 +0100 De : Fred Rivard, PhD <fred.rivard@xxxxxxxx>
Organisation : Pour : etienne.juliot@xxxxxxx,
cedric.notot@xxxxxxx Copie à : paul.arberet@xxxxxxx


IS2T est tres interessee par le sujet relatif a UML,
  * UML2Java : It  converts Class and State diagrams into Java code.
  * UML2HRTJ : It converts Structure Composite, Class and State diagrams
               into Java code based on HRTJ
               (Hard RealTime Java Specification).

J'ajouterai un troisieme item qui est l'etude de la glue entre deux
generations issues d'un meme model UML et qui a ete genere pour partie
en Java et pour partie en C


Je vous souhaite par la meme occasion une tres bonne annee 2014 !
En piece jointe, la preuve qu'il est possible de faire du Java temps
reel dur certifie DO178C.

Bien cordialement
fred rivard

Fred Rivard, PhD
+33 650 984 001

Le 10/01/2014 15:02, etienne.juliot@xxxxxxx a écrit :
Hi everyone,

As Paul Arberet explain at the previous Polarsys meeting, a new
project will be propose: UML Generators.
This project is proposed under the umbrella of Eclipse Modeling, but
it should interest Polarsys members.

Here is an extract :

The initial contribution provides five generators:

  * UML2Java: It  converts Class and State diagrams into Java code.
  * UML2C: It converts Class and State diagrams into C code.
  * C2UML: It reverses C code into a UML model.
  * UML2RTSJ : It converts Structure Composite, Class and State diagrams
    into Java code based on RTSJ (Real Time Specification for Java).
      o The generated code is organized according to a Components Based
      o The UML model is enhanced by a UML profile to add real-time
        properties and it is decorated by a DSL to specify the kind of
        communication between each component.
  * Java2UML: It reverses Java code to a UML model.

The scope is any generator which consumes or produces UML models.


If you want to be list as Interested Parties, please answer to me and
Cedric Notot, and you will be list in the proposal.

Etienne JULIOT
Vice President, Obeo

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