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[platform-update-dev] eclipse installation site types cleanup

Currently, there are 3 types of local installation sites:

1. product site - where eclipse plugins are located. This is the regular eclipse installation directory and has the following layout:
2. extension site - a site pointed to by .link files. The eclipse product site contains a "links" directory with one or more .link files as follows:

  The content of the link file <some_extension>.link is
  path=[rw] <eclipse_product_extension_site>
  (eg: path=/home/user/my_own_plugins)

  where the r(ead)/w(rite) flags are optional, and the <eclipse_product_extension_site> is the full path to an extension site, with the following layout:


3. private site - created in the install wizard when the user wants to install features into a new location.
   The site has the following layout:
   <eclipse_private_site> \
                                       features \
                                       plugins \

Then, in the UI (Manage Configuration), someone can add an extension site, but no .link file is dropped into the links folder, the info is maintained in the platform configuration file (platform.xml) only. This appears to be a hybrid of product extension and private site.
Also,  private site cannot be added, so if you update to a new driver, with a new configuration, you will have to reinstall all the features already installed in a private site.
No site can be removed at all (they can be disabled, though).
Unlike in 2.x, in 3.0 the configuration data is maintained in a well-known location inside the configuration directory, so new workspaces will inherit all the updates done while working on another workspace.

My question is: do we still need "private" sites?

What I propose is this:
- have only two sites: product site and product extension sites.
- a product extension site can be linked with a .link file as before
- a product extension site can be added in the UI (configuration manager)
- a product extension site can be created by the install wizard
- a product extension site should be removable via the configuration manager, as long as it was not linked by a .link file (the links directory should be only managed by native installers)
- a product extension site can be unconfigured/disabled
- for consistency with the path specified in a .link file, the add site dialog should allow selecting the actual product extension (i.e. the folder containing the eclipse directory), as opposed to having to select the eclipse folder itself as done now. Also, when creating a site in the install wizard, instead of creating features and plugins folders inside the selected location, create an eclipse parent directory first.

Any suggestions/thoughts/concerns ?


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