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[platform-update-dev] Update Server Redirection (site.xml)


We have update and discovery labels within our primary feature that point 
to a specific server.  Example:

However, we want to redirect the address that the user goes to above to a 
different server.  Example:

We are doing this by putting the site.xml on server-one and editing the 
site.xml so that each feature url points to server-two.  Example:


This seems to work because within the IDE, I can see the site.xml load 
with all the features and categories.  Unfortunately, when I click on the 
"install" button I get halfway through the feature install and start 
getting error reports saying that the feature is missing it's plugins.  I 
have verified that the feature directory, and plugins directory on 
server-two are at the same level and that all .jar files are there.

Any ideas why this does not work?

Thanks for any help you can provide,

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