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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Mac OS 10.4 Finder drag and drop development

Veronika Irvine wrote:

You might want to check out this thread in the eclipse.platform.swt newsgroup:

"OS X Drag&Drop to Finder / InDesign" from Wolfgang Werner

Ok...I spent today messing around with the latest build and your new data promise did not solve anything for me but made me understand the problem with drag source. When you add drag flavors in you cannot just index the item reference every time you add a drag flavor. This item reference should ONLY be changed for each unique item being dragged. So if you change drag source (Working of the R3.0 tree) to reset the index right before you cycle through the flavors then each drag item DOES get a single unique reference identifier and drags from an SWT application to the finder work great. My guess is that this bug has been in the DND on Mac since the beginning since there has always been inconsistent behavior.

My guess on the furl source was correct also...this needed to be implemented for the finder to accept a drop.

I am not sure how you can reconcile this issue with your new DND code that has promised flavors since you have no idea how many items are being dragged (funny...there is even a comment in the code about that :-).

Anyway...I am going to get my code cleaned up, test against 10.3 and then submit the code under bug #93619

Not exactly sure why this bug has normal priority while an intermittent slowdown bug on tiger has blocker priority??? Seems like random priorities to me....guess it's who you know ;-)



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