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Re: [platform-swt-dev] speeding up Eclipse on OS/X (Jikes or...?)


I am running Eclipse successfully (thanks to this list)
on OS/X on an iBook (600MHz G3)
and it is extremely slow --

Yes, I believe that Eclipse is slow on a 600 MHz G3.
However I'm doing all my Eclipse work within Eclipse on my 800MHz/1GB PB G4 and it works fine for me (speedwise). Of course it is not as fast as a 1GHz desktop Mac or my 1GHz Pentium 4 desktop PC.

On "similar" windows machines, it takes less than 15 seconds to build
the whole thing!

Does "Similar" mean "portable".
My experience is that Eclipse runs slowly on Window portables too.

I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to speed it up.

Wait for Jaguar, its definitely faster.

Have you tried to increase the heap space?
I'm using -Xms50M -Xmx250M when working on Eclipse with my 800MHz PB G4
(you can set the options in

Is there a way to for example use Jikes as the compiler?  I looked through
the various panels but saw none.

No, Jikes is not an option because Eclipse is tighter integrated with the compiler than Jikes would allow.

Any ideas of the whys and wherefores on this?  I do a lot of Mac Java
programming and while there are some issues with the speed of image
manipulation, the rest of it seems pretty efficient...?!

Nothing of my SWT port is optimized yet.
Using more native controls and the new HIView should speed things up.
However, compiling and refactoring doesn't use much UI and graphics, so its speed is mainly CPU and IO bound. I don't consider the current VM very fast in that respect.

If you find ways to optimize Eclipse on MacOS X, please let me know.


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