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Ok.  The CVS Repository has been fixed.

The emulated widgets have now been broken out as follows:

in org.eclipse.swt:
Eclipse SWT/emulated/bidi
Eclipse SWT/emulated/coolbar
Eclipse SWT/emulated/tabfolder
Eclipse SWT/emulated/treetable

If you are currently working on any of these emulated widgets:
1) export/copy the classes you are modifying to some place outside of your workspace
2) delete Eclipse SWT/emulated/org/ from your workspace
3) replace Eclipse SWT/emulated/ with the latest from the repository
4) copy your changes back into the new place
5) get the new .classpath_xxx from the repository and do the copy to .classpath dance

Everybody else:
1) delete Eclipse SWT/emulated/org/ from your workspace
2) replace Eclipse SWT/emulated/ with the latest from the repository
5) get the new .classpath_xxx from the repository and do the copy to .classpath dance

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