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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Re: Mac OS X Port


Thanks for reporting the problem with "Reply" in our mailing lists.
I have forwarded your information and observation to our mailing list 

Thanks also for explaining what Cocoa really is - I confess that I saw 
"Cocoa" and "Java binding" in the same sentence, and jumped to 
conclusions. My apologies.

I went to  and read a bit about Cocoa. And Carbon. And Classic and Quartz. The Mac 
has a lot of ways to interface to the OS. It used to be QuickDraw and the 
Mac Toolkit with its group of managers (Window Manager, Menu Manager, ...) 
the last time I looked (about 15 years ago <grin>). Seems to me you coded 
in Pascal back then, also <g>.

It will be interesting to see which way the group decides to go. It sounds 
like you do care about Aqua, so that will focus your choices.

Good luck with gathering your group together. We on the SWT team are 
hoping you will succeed, but we are maxed out, and we can only help in an 
advisory capacity once you have a team assembled.


"Mark Phippard" <MarkP@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
11/12/01 08:32 PM

        To:     platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-swt-dev] Re: Mac OS X Port


Thanks.  Is this a bug in the mailing list?  Shouldn't reply send the
message to the right place.  I just looked, and every reply I sent today
was to the person not the list!

That isn't how any other list I am on has ever worked.

Anyway, Cocoa is the name of the API for OS X's native widgets.  Actually,
there are two, Cocoa and Carbon.  Carbon is the one that can work in OS 9
or OS X, Cocoa is the one that looks really cool.

In the end, any port will be using one of the two (unless you use Swing or
X Windows I guess).  What we have been discussing is merely the easiest 
to get to the native Widgets.  Apple ships a set of Java classes that
wrapper the native calls to the Cocoa widgets.  Kind of like what you are
doing with SWT on Windows and Motif.  We are merely postulating whether it
might make sense to try to use those Java classes, in effect using the
native code that Apple wrote for us.  It may or may not make sense.  As I
read some of your docs, I think the only way to do the port might be to go
with native code.  On OS X I think you might even have to write the native
code is Objective-C.  I was reading the Apple Java docs and saw something
that JNI can only access programs in the mach-o format.  I am not positive
but I think this can only be done with Objective-C.

I guess let me ask a question.  Suppose Microsoft provided Java classes to
wrapper Win32 (of course they kind of did do this with J++).  Would it 
been feasible that an SWT port to Win32 could have used those classes?



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