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Re: [platform-debug-dev] Bugzilla practices proposal

>>>>> "Jared" == Jared Burns <jaredburns@xxxxxxx> writes:

Jared> Unfortunately, CVS can't tell us which files were checked in together.
Jared> But annotating Bugzilla this way lets us get the information back if we
Jared> really need it. The format I've been using can be seen here:

You can get CVS to tell you this information, if you set up cvs commit
notification.  E.g., the GCC project generates commit messages like
this one:

At the end you can see the cvsweb URLs of all the changes made by this

We've also set things up so that if a PR is mentioned in the cvs
commit message, then the same text is appended to the PR in bugzilla.
This means there is a nice way to go from a PR to the changes that
fixed it (or were related to it -- a PR can be mentioned in several
commits).  E.g., see this commit and PR:

One other nice feature of this setup is that the cvsweb URLs in the
messages can be (ab)used to revert entire patches, if needed.  I have
a script that turns a commit message like the above into a shell
script which will revert the patch.

Anyway, all this stuff exists and is readily available, I can provide
more precise pointers if someone is interested in putting this into
the infrastructure.


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