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RE: [platform-core-dev] -1 for James Blackburnon eclipse.platform.coreby John Arthorne

Sorry, I couldn't let that one pass. If James would be a great addition,
then why would you want to wait? The only reason you wait is to make
sure, in which case you can't make that claim that he would be a great
addition. I'm confused.

James has been a great addition to the CDT team. It's unfortunate that
our reputations are hidden by the walls we set up at Eclipse.


-----Original Message-----
From: platform-core-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:platform-core-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Szymon
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 6:09 PM
To: Eclipse Platform Core component developers list.
Subject: RE: [platform-core-dev] -1 for James Blackburnon
eclipse.platform.coreby John Arthorne

I agree with John. James would be a great addition to the team, but we
to review and commit more his work.
You Martin, are also a committer on core.resources, so I guess you could
take care of his patches, review and commit them.

James, I would be happy to look at your patches when the time is calm.
Sorry that I haven't spent more time earlier.
Usually pinging me about bugs that are important for you works, even if
am extremely busy. At least it worked
while I was working with Serge or Pawel.

I understand that your decision Martin is caused by the fact that there
fixes that you or James want to squeeze in 3.6.
The issue at this point of the 3.6 cycle is that we should be focusing
polishing, writing documentation,
not introducing new features or API. So I may not approve some fixes
there are 4 days left before the milestone week.





   >           "Eclipse Platform Core component

             Sent by:                  developers list."

             platform-core-dev         <platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


                                       RE: [platform-core-dev] -1 for

             2010-04-20 18:40          James Blackburn on

                                       eclipse.platform.coreby John


             Please respond to

             "Eclipse Platform

              Core component

             developers list."





Hi John,

Thanks for your open and honest assesment (and having the
courage to vote -1, which I think we don't see often enough).

Although I've already seen James respond very modestly, I
do feel like I have to defend my original nomination:

Just looking at patches that have been accepted is IMO part
of a little problem we have in core. There's a number of
excellent additional tests, insightful discussions and
contributions from James that you have either missed or
that have not (yet) gone in:

 - Bug 307098 analysis, tests and patches around relaxed
   scheduling rules for builders; very important for
   work being done right now, as well as moving forward

 - Bug 251370 - Test and patch which look very reasonable
   to me but have not even been commented on by anybody,
   suppposedly because nobody had time

 - Bug 246221 - Analysis, tests and patches submitted back
   in October 2008; The bug has been marked as a dup of
   bug 245412, which finally ended up committing the same
   fix to AliasManager, but by Szymon in Jan 2009; in some
   sense, I think that James can claim ownership of this

 - Bug 251370 - Concurrent Modification Exception in AliasManager
   Again, great analysis, test and patch originated in
   December 2008. Again, marked target 3.6 but not yet

 - Bug 265233 - Another report with associated unittest
   that nobody cared to even look at

And there's more which I have partially referenced in my
original nomination mail, but which you won't find when
just looking for iplog+. In fact, it looks like James
has already accomplished more than what I had when I
became platform core committer.

Long story short, James has a proven track record of
excellent contributions dating back to 2008. Many of
his contributions have apparently not been committed
due to lack of time from committers.

I'm still very sure that he'd make an excellent Platform
Core committer. What is it that we expect from committers
in the end? In my opinion, it's diligence, good judgement,
and being able to invest a little time into processing
bugs on behalf of contributors.

Given that it looks like a lot of us in Platform Core
suffer from chronical lack of time, I think it's just
about time to extend and ask James in.

Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
direct +43.662.457915.85  fax +43.662.457915.6

-----Original Message-----
From: platform-core-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:platform-core-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of portal on
behalf of John Arthorne
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 5:58 PM
To: platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [platform-core-dev] -1 for James Blackburn on
eclipse.platform.coreby John Arthorne

John Arthorne voted:
I think James will make a great committer on platform core if he is
interested. He provides very detailed and thoughtful analysis on bugs,
and I was impressed by his ability to understand some extremely thorny
problems in the platform concurrency infrastructure.

However, I reviewed his committed contribution record based on the IP
log and this is what I see on platform core:

 - A one line resources fix in bug 265235
 - A test case for jobs bug 307282
 - A great fix and test in jobs bug 307391

Maybe I\'m missing something, but based on this information I have to
vote -1. There just isn\'t enough contribution record yet from my
viewpoint to justify commit rights. For one, it would be unfair to some
other committers who worked for 6+ months and contributed 15-20
significant fixes before becoming committers. I think commit rights are
a significant privilege and we need to make sure they are well earned
based on contributions within each project/component.

In the end, I would say James is on the right track, and if he continues
contributing we should definitely revisit this in the near future. Also,
if there are some significant contributions that were committed that I
have just missed, please let me know and I will be happy to revisit my
vote based on new information.

Voting summary:

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