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[platform-core-dev] eclipse command shell, was: Issues with large-scale development

Peter Kriens Tuesday, November 9, 2004, 8:16:20 AM
> - Support a command line shell (with completion!) which allows you
>   to switch between projects. I.e. typing "cd
>   ../" and "ed" is a lot
>   faster than clicking the mouse. Would be nice to have lots of
>   commands there to minimize the need for the mouse.

44156 is somewhat less than what you describe, but certainly seems
>> I believe Eclipse usability could be enhanced by providing an
>> interface similar to Emacs' M-x (or Alt-x) name-of-command gesture.


>> In Emacs, one can invoke a command directly (M-x name-of-command),
>> as well as by keybinding. This is useful, because often the name of
>> the command (which can be tab-completed in the minibuffer) is more
>> mnemonic than the keybinding.

>> Why not provide similar functionality in Eclipse? M-x could bring
>> up a simple text dialog into which the user could enter a command.

A real shell would be even better!

>> The names of the command could be the same as those currently
>> exposed in the Workbench>Keys preference page.

>> This would also be a useful interface for user-defined commands ...

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