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Re: [photran] German umlauts in Photran's 3.1.1 editor, comment/uncomment feature

Jeffrey Overbey schrieb:
- A very nice feature of SciTE is to comment and uncomment text blocks
to exclude code from compiling. I use this feature quite often.
Unfortunately I can not find this feature in Photran.

Try selecting a block of text and hitting Ctrl+/
There used to be a "Comment/Uncomment" item in the popup menu, but it
seems to have disappeared.  (Bugzilla 136757)

Fine. That works.

IMO Photran is a very nice IDE but SciTE has some features I would not
like to do without. A compromise would be to setup Photran with SciTE as
its editor.

If I may ask, what other features are missing?  We are not familiar with
SciTE but probably should be... and we are always looking for ways to

You can find SciTE at <>.

Additionally there are two features I miss:

1. parenthesis highlighting
   If your cursor is just behind a closing parenthesis, the opening
   parenthesis is marked temporarily. This feature avoids missing
   parenthesis in nested parenthesis structures.

2. Intrinsic highlighting
   E.g. ABS(), RESHAPE(), etc. are highlighted in a different color.
   You can see at first view if you made a typo.

Generally I like the syntax highlighting of SciTE but this is purely a matter of taste. And IMO the highlighting of Photran is quite good.

BTW, is it possible to commit command-line redirections to the program, e.g. myprog < test.dat? I know how to commit arguments in Eclipse/Photran but this don't work with command-line redirections.

But enough of criticizing. In Photran I like to jump to a routine by clicking on the name in the outline window and the error handling/marking is much better than in SciTE. Furthermore SciTE has not a sophisticated project management.

If you work with mkmf <> (for automated Makefile building) and the external tools feature Photran is a very nice and comfortable IDE. In SciTE you need to edit a text configuration file to interface mkmf with it, but it is a bit more customizable and I am able to build a program by pressing a shortcut only (without chasing the mouse).

Best regards,


PS: Not only German umlauts confuse the syntax highlighting. If you open a F77 source file containing the non-standard $ format letter the same confusion occurs.

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