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Re: [pde-ui-dev] Understanding Product Editor Validation

Hello Martin,

Take a look at IEditorValidationStack#top() and its implementation in
The actual call that you are probably looking for (that slides up the
message) is Form#setMessage(String message, int Severity)
where Form is retreived from an IFormPage (see
EditorValidationStack#getForm(IEditorValidator validator) for an example)

Good luck and feel free to post any follow ups,

P.S If you follow the code we use in PDE (see PDEFormEditor for
IEditorValidationStack and use FormEntry objects for your fields) you
shouldn't have to call setMessage yourself as it will be called
automatically if your FormEntrys are set with IEditorValidators.

Janek Lasocki-Biczysko
IBM,  Eclipse Platform Developer

             Sent by:                                                   To 
             pde-ui-dev-bounce         pde-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx              
             s@xxxxxxxxxxx                                              cc 
             08/28/2006 08:23          [pde-ui-dev] Understanding Product  
             AM                        Editor Validation                   
             Please respond to                                             
              "Eclipse PDE UI                                              
             developers list."                                             

Hello PDE-UI Team,

I am currently developing an eclipse forms application. I need some input
validation like in the Product Editor. I looked at the code and I
understand most of it, but I can not find the lines where the Error/Warning
messages are created.

As an example:
In class WindowImagesSection in method createClient() all the inputs for
different image file names are generated. Subclasses of
AbstractFormValidator check their content. When there is no such file a
error message is displayed. But where is the code to display the message
(it smoothly fades in just where the page heading is, very nice ;-) ? I
know how the String is constructed but I can not find the graphical
representation an the logic triggering the display...

I hope my question is not completely off-topic...

Thank you,

Martin _______________________________________________
pde-ui-dev mailing list

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