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Re: [pde-dev] Determining API Usage within vs. between Plug-ins

Your approach sounds reasonable, so I would double check your setup.  Make 
sure there are no resolution errors in the report, ensure packages are 
properly exported as API, and report settings are correct.


P Kapur <pkapur@xxxxxxxxx>
"Eclipse PDE general developers list." <pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
12/08/2009 04:37 PM
[pde-dev] Determining API Usage within vs. between Plug-ins
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Problem: The ANT api usage task seems to work fine if I compare an api
producer in one jar file (say p1.jar) with an api consumer in another
jar file (say c1.jar). However I want to see instances of api usage **
within ** p1.jar itself. For example if p1.jar contains /src/test and
/src/demo packages then I want to see how those packages use the other
code within the jar there is no easy mechanism to support this and my
approach (below) does not work.


1. The jar of interest is the open source jfreechart project whose
jfreeChart_1.0.13.jar contains org/jfree/chart/demo package and then
everything else org/jfree/chart/<all other packages>.

2. I created two plugin projects with API tooling enabled as follows:

a) use the source code in org/jfree/chart/<all other packages> to make
a plugin and expose all the packages as a public api in the manifest
file. Call this plugin noDemo_plugin.

b) use the source code in org/jfree/chart/demo to make a different
plugin that imports/has a dependency on the plugin created above
(noDemo_plugin). Call this new plugin justDemo_plugin.

c) Export both noDemo_plugin and justDemo_plugin as deployable plugin 

3. Run the ANT api usage task on the plugins from 2c above.


Actual Result:  ANT tasks runs successfully but does not contain any
actual data.
Expected Result: Report showing instances of how justDemo_plugin makes
use of the API exposed by noDemo_plugin

Any suggestions or recommendations are welcome.

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