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Re: [pde-dev] Plug-in Dependency Visualization Tool


I think this is a great idea, however, I imagine if we went down this path the requirements would start to grow. We would want a undo / redo stack and probably a palette of things that you could drag onto the canvas (local bundles, bundles from update sites, features, fragments, etc...). At this point it seems that GEF would be a better fit. My toolkit is focused more on visualizing information rather than editing it. I do plan on adding some simple editing (like a cell editor, and maybe drag and drop), but to create a dashboard we would need a visual *editor*.

Now how much work would that be? Like all Eclipse projects we could start small. Get some simple things working and expand (through milestones and releases). If we had someone who knew GEF well, and could work on it full time, we could probably have something up and running in a month. Before we did this though, I think it would be good to hear from some teams who build large stacks on top of Eclipse. I have never built a large application on Eclipse myself, so it is hard to say if people really work this way. From 30,000 feet, I imagine people don't think in terms of bundles, but rather "features" (in quotes). For example, I need EMF! Now exactly what bundles, that remains to be seen.


Jacek Pospychała wrote:
It's cool.
I'd like to see setting up an osgi application in visual mode - using your stuff Ian. Like you start with org.eclipse.osgi at first and then drag'n'drop your components (bundles core, ui, x, y, z) and voila :) Double click on a bundle opens it's manifest and lets you put your java code in. Double click on xyz.UI opens some visual gui editor where you put all things on their forms and so on.
Something like building your own project's dashboard.

would that be difficult to implement, Ian? :)

Ian Bull wrote:
As part of my time at the IBM Centre for Advanced Studies and my work on Google Summer of Code, I have developed a Plug-in Dependency Visualization tool as part of the PDE Incubator project. I was first recruited by Wassim and I have been working closely with Chris Aniszczyk (my SoC mentor). The project's website is at [1].


I have made an initial version available on an update site at [2] (Thanks Chris!). It works with Eclipse 3.3 or greater (I tested it on 3.4 M2 and it seems to work fine). I have also put together a New and Noteworthy to highlight some of the features [3].


It is pretty easy to use. Simply load the view (Visualizations->Graph Plug-in Dependencies), and right click on the canvas. Then select the bundle whose dependencies you wish you see.

If anyone has thoughts, suggestions, ideas, please feel free to open a bug report. There is already a good suggestion to show extension point use.

pde-dev mailing list

R. Ian Bull
PhD Candidate, University of Victoria

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