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AW: [pde-dev] [api tools] Extensibility proposals and questions

Hi Oleg,
First, with control.xml I referred to the persited form of IControl, so the file resulting from using the export functionality of the ui. I am currently not using the ui but generate such a control.xml file and using the batch mode of the tool. (SnapshotCommands)
I am aware that analysing extension points for api breakages is a lot of work. I just wanted to throw it in as it came to my mind. Same for the other bug I opened (
Concerning the ClassFileReader: I still see the need to be able to analyse class files, I am not familiar enough with JDT though to say whether source and class format can be handled by mainly the logic.
Now coming back to the extensibility topic:
What I would like to have extendable is how and from what source ApiElements are generated. Consider a bunch of jars and some meta data format that describes dependencies between the jars (possibly including a mechanism like reexport). I would like to be able to plug in code that reads that meta data and determines the jars to be analysed and then returns the corresponding ApiElements.
Although I do not plan to extend the api tools to other languages it should be possible to allow such extensions.
A major question here is how much change to the codebase will be accepted?
To give you an overview what I currently have in mind (take it as a draft):
- IContainerType
    - create an ISourceContainer from container specific information (e.g. from a URL pointing to a jar)
    - provide an ISourceReaders for an InputStreams
    - provide an IApiComparators for an IApiElements
    - provide an IApiElementFilters
- ISourceContainer
    - provide IApiElements
- ISourceReader
    - create IApiElement from InputStream
- IApiComparator
    - compare two IApiElements
I think that most of the existing code can be reused to implement this (e.g. ClassFileReader to implement ISourceReader) but the API of the API Tools would see massive changes I think.
Code sharing between BundleContainer and JarContainer would look like:
- They would both use the same ISourceReader implementation (to read class file streams), BundleContainer may have an additional reader e.g. for extension points
- They would IApiComparator, again BundleContainer may have more to compare extension point api elements
- Same for IApiElementFilters
- The containers themselves could both use helper classes like JarScanner to retrieve InputStreams
As long as containers are written for the Java world I do not see a problem concerning code reuse. However as soon as it comes to different languages I agree that it will be no trivial task. But at least it would be possible to implement if anybody wanted to.
To come to an end:
As I already said this are ideas, some may not be thought to an end. So any comment is welcome.
I currently had a look only at the api comparison part of the tools, so I might not have noticed generating problems for the reference collector part.
Most important question is to what extend will changes to the code base be acceptable. (Is anybody building anything on top of api tools?)
And one last question out of curiosity:
Java 1.4 is still the version to be compatible with?
Kind regards,
Jan Lohre
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Von: pde-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pde-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Oleg Besedin
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. September 2007 18:20
An: Eclipse PDE general developers list.
Betreff: Re: [pde-dev] [api tools] Extensibility proposals and questions

Hi Jan,
This is a good place to discuss API Tools project.

First, thank you to tracking down that issue with "old" style plug-ins - greatly appreciated.

Some questions you are raising seem to be centered on extensibility of API tools. As you found, at present they have no "consumer" extensibility. I certainly see that different views are possible here, but don't forget that it all comes at a cost. Some concrete examples of where full-blown extensibility support (as opposing to making the API tool better) might help.

Points to consider here:

- non-Java languages: To me, it seems that determination of what is an API breaking change is highly language-specific. Should you decide to add support for different languages, not only source container and notion of API, but comparator and report generator would have to be changed. As such, not much code would be reused by adopting it to a different language.

- common API definitions across teams: Another point in favor of putting improvements into the API tool itself is the expected usage pattern. We expect that the tool will be used by multiple development teams to combine data into a common repository. For this we don't want the definition of APIs used by one team to deviate too much from the other team.

Overall, going with an analogy, personally, I prefer kitchen appliances with the least number of buttons. My dishwasher has 2 button and two dials. All I need from it is that one button that says "wash dishes". The API tool already has too many buttons, I would rather hope to remove some than add a new interface where people can plug a custom soap dispenser :-). But that's just me :-).

On specific points:

- control.xml - did you mean component.xml? In any case, those files did fall out of favor and universally became stale. It seems that the notion of having to remember to maintain a separate file with API information did not work for developers. Hopefully, the new Javadoc tags will be more successful.

- What clases are considered APIs: it is likely that a new mechanism will be added. From what I understand, it will take a file with text patterns. Classes with names matching patters would be treated as APIs. (That's in addition to OSGi manifests.) This goes against the point above, but there is already a product using this approach and, of course, we want all its users to switch to API tools. (And there are people willing to contribute code for this :-).)

- Update site as a source: yes, it would be interesting to add update site to the list of elements analyzed by the tool. The "analyze full installation" option is already there ("Include all bundles" under Target platform) but probably needs to be made more visible.

- Extension poins as APIs - I like the idea, but from the top of my head it is non-trivial to implement. Consider that DTDs would have to be compared to determine compatibility and that extension points can be moved into different bundles since 3.2. This is an interesting area, certainly contributions will be appreciated.

- Reason for ClassFileReader - historically, we attempted to make API Tools into both a plug-in and a small RCP application. For the RCP version we attempted to reduce the number of bundles involved - hence ClassFileReader came into play. Later it evolved to include reference resolution. As Javadocs are generally not present in the .class files, something different, likely JDT, will be used in future.

Oleg Besedin

"Lohre, Jan" <jan.lohre@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: pde-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/05/2007 09:48 AM

Please respond to
"Eclipse PDE general developers list." <pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[pde-dev] [api tools] Extensibility proposals and questions

first of all, if there is a mailing list better suited for PDE Incubator API Tools, please point me there.
I see some potential to introduce extensibility to the api tools:
1. SourceContainer
What classes have to be taken into account?
Currently this is done for bundles, jars and directories by scanning the provided URL for .class files. And then filtering out what is not considered API.            
For bundles using PDE code and thus relying on plugin metadata (Exported-Packages), for jars and directories .internal in the package name is used to determine non-API.
Just for PDE use cases I would see more than one Container implementation, e.g. target (analyse a full installation), updatesite (it may be neccessary to analyse jars contained in jars) and bundle.
Other technologies may have other metadata to describe api elements.
I would propose to establish an extension point to provide SourceContainers for a type that can be set in the control.xml like
<container type="type-id" location="location-of-sources"/>. Additionally I would allow container elements to have arbitrary child nodes so one can add type specific data.
Another question would be what else has to be considered API?
Shouldn't a plugin api report contain extension points as api elements?
Other technologies may have other non-java elements to be considered api.
To allow technology specific non-java api elements one possibility may be to allow SourceContainers to provide special ApiReaders that produce IApiElements, the default one being a java class analyser. Of course one would also have to provide compare and report handling for those elements.
2. Api definition
What is Api breakage?
For example if an interface is not designed to be implemented by clients, addition of methods is no breakage.
Such an extension would have to plug into both IApiElement creation and comparison. For example one might define an annotation @DoNotImplement and annotate an interface with it and add a method in the next version. During IApiElement creation this additional information has to be stored, during comparison the Diff found by the Comparator can be deleted before being passed to the reporter.
What do you think? Any comments are welcome.
Why is there a ClassFileReader implemented in the api tools? Why not use the one in JDT?
As far as a I understood the DevGuide the reason is performance. Is the special parser significantly faster than the JDT parser?
To allow extenders to analyse additional data (like annotations) more information may be neccessary than currently provided by the specialized parser.
Kind regards,
pde-dev mailing list

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