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[pde-dev] [api tools] Extensibility proposals and questions

first of all, if there is a mailing list better suited for PDE Incubator API Tools, please point me there.
I see some potential to introduce extensibility to the api tools:
1. SourceContainer
What classes have to be taken into account?
Currently this is done for bundles, jars and directories by scanning the provided URL for .class files. And then filtering out what is not considered API.            
For bundles using PDE code and thus relying on plugin metadata (Exported-Packages), for jars and directories .internal in the package name is used to determine non-API.
Just for PDE use cases I would see more than one Container implementation, e.g. target (analyse a full installation), updatesite (it may be neccessary to analyse jars contained in jars) and bundle.
Other technologies may have other metadata to describe api elements.
I would propose to establish an extension point to provide SourceContainers for a type that can be set in the control.xml like
<container type="type-id" location="location-of-sources"/>. Additionally I would allow container elements to have arbitrary child nodes so one can add type specific data.
Another question would be what else has to be considered API?
Shouldn't a plugin api report contain extension points as api elements?
Other technologies may have other non-java elements to be considered api.
To allow technology specific non-java api elements one possibility may be to allow SourceContainers to provide special ApiReaders that produce IApiElements, the default one being a java class analyser. Of course one would also have to provide compare and report handling for those elements.
2. Api definition
What is Api breakage?
For example if an interface is not designed to be implemented by clients, addition of methods is no breakage.
Such an extension would have to plug into both IApiElement creation and comparison. For example one might define an annotation @DoNotImplement and annotate an interface with it and add a method in the next version. During IApiElement creation this additional information has to be stored, during comparison the Diff found by the Comparator can be deleted before being passed to the reporter.
What do you think? Any comments are welcome.
Why is there a ClassFileReader implemented in the api tools? Why not use the one in JDT?
As far as a I understood the DevGuide the reason is performance. Is the special parser significantly faster than the JDT parser?
To allow extenders to analyse additional data (like annotations) more information may be neccessary than currently provided by the specialized parser.
Kind regards,
Jan Lohre
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