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[orion-dev] Making the Editor easier to reuse

Hello everyone!

Mozilla's integration of Orion currently only makes use of the TextView and the rest of the relevant scripts:

 - /orion/textview/keyBinding.js
 - /orion/textview/rulers.js
 - /orion/textview/undoStack.js
 - /orion/textview/textModel.js
 - /orion/textview/tooltip.js
 - /orion/textview/textView.js
 - /orion/editor/htmlGrammar.js
 - /orion/editor/textMateStyler.js
 - /examples/textview/textStyler.js

We concatenate these scripts into one big file, orion.js, that we ship in Firefox.

We have a chrome-privileged JavaScript module that wraps some of the Orion API. This script also makes customizations and changes we consider needed, using only the public Orion API.

What we like about the current setup is we can just pull from Orion's git repo and run our Makefile to quickly build orion.js. This allows us to quickly update our Orion copy from upstream, when needed. No patching is needed.

We would like to use more of the Orion upstream features. Many more features are built into the editor.js and editorFeatures.js scripts.

Unfortunately, at the moment these scripts are not reusable without patching, in our case.

Our concerns are with the following parts of the code:


- We need to be able to enable/disable animations.


- UndoFactory. allow one to change the keyboard shortcuts.

- TextActions: we need more control on which keybindings and actions are added to the TextView. We also need to be able to change the shortcuts.

- SourceCodeActions: same as above.

These scripts also have strings hard-coded. We would like a LocalizationFactory of some sorts that would allow us to plug our strings into the editor.

In terms of features, we need to be able to pick which ones are enabled. This is something that's already possible with editor.js (which is great), but this is not always the case with editorFeatures.js.

I also looked into contentAssist.js and webContentAssist.js. These look to be close to what we need. Once we get to use the content assist feature we will most-likely have more comments. I expect we will build our own content assist providers for JavaScript and probably CSS as well.

How shall we proceed about the changes we need for editor.js and editorFeatures.js? Shall we open bug reports about each change?

Thank you!

Best regards,

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