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[orion-dev] beginner questions about plugins


I am about the write a syntax highlight plugin (M7 looks awesome BTW)
and have a couple of beginner questions.

A plugin is just an HTML page hosted somewhere embedded as an iframe,
right? So I better make sure that wherever I host it is fine with the
bandwidth because every user will request that page when they log in
to Orion. There's nothing similar to OSGi metadata, license files and
what not. If I have a new version of the plugin I just put up an
updated html file.

Apart from my version of htmlSyntaxHighlight.js and an HTML page that
embeds it what do I need? I guess I need the ../js/plugin.js hosted on
my server? Is the idea that I just copy and paste the file from the
Orion sources? Do I have to update this with every Orion release? Do I
need /openajax/release/all/OpenAjaxManagedHub-all.js as well?

Is there something like Eclipse Marketplace from Orion plugins?
Should/can I host it on the Eclipse Marketplace?


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