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Re: [mosquitto-dev] which client library to choose

I've been using it in a product for a couple of years now, it's very stable and we're using the C++ wrapper with no issues. The wrapper is a *very* thin layer around the C API so as long as you understand that, you should have no problems using the C++ API.


On 19 September 2016 at 21:58, <Michael.Chen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        We are trying to use Mosquitto as MQTT broker in our product. Now, we
try to figure out which client library to use.
        So far, I am looking at the Eclipse Paho C library and libmosquittopp
        Since we are developing in C++, so the C++ wrapper in libmosquittopp
library looks quite good for us.
        My questions is that the C++ implementation of libMosquittopp client
library is stable enough for product use? Is there any feature missed for
this library?

Thanks very much.


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