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[mosquitto-dev] Spike and then no more connections allowed [V1.4.2]

Hi everybody

We're running Mosquitto V1.4.2 on Ubuntu linux and been running fine for months

Running on AWS behind an ELB on EC2 m3.medium server

This morning the system experienced a very short burst in CPU and then didnt accept any MQTT connections

I could telnet on that port with no issue
I could pint the server - no issue
The AWS cloud watch metrics shows only high CPU, no increase on network
Restarting the EC2 instance didn't help
Stopping and starting mosuiqtto didn't help

Who we resolved this
We remove the EC2 from the ELB
Restart the box
Waited for 5mintues 
Added the EC2 Mosquitto back to the ELB 
Then everything worked fine

Do anybody have a suggestion to what could have caused this or seen this before?
Anybody seen or experience this before?

Any advice would be grateful - I will share my findings with the group

Warm regards

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