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Re: [mobile-iwg] Device Data Proposal Discussion

Some thoughts below....

Gorkem Ercan wrote:
A few thoughts on this proposal.

Device data is useful not only to Java ME developers but also for
other runtime technologies. So we should plan the outcome as agnostic
of the runtime as possible.
I think there are 3 areas that needs to be discussed.

1. The collection and update of the data. I think most of the device
vendors are already publishing some sort of device data already [1]. I
guess the question whether we can get all the vendors to publish them
in an easily consumable format and with all the needed data. I think
MIWG should have the main responsibility to ensure with its members
the availability of the data.

This would be a nice way to go.  I think the key is that we need to define what data we would like to collect and in what format. 
2. Development time support for collecting and making the data
available for the use of mobile development tools such as MTJ and
friends. Perhaps such bundles be hosted as a subproject under MTJ and
packaged consumable without the rest of the MTJ.

3. Runtime use of the data. I think projects like eRCP can choose to
provide APIs for consuming the data (I guess eRCP is the only mobile
runtime project on Eclipse for the moment). I would be happy to
facilitate it on eRCP.

At mFoundry, we actually use this data at "build time".  When the user requests a "build" from our servers via the phone, we map the incoming user agent to the appropriate device.  From there, we can query device characteristics and tailor the build output for that particular device.  Thus, I think this adds a third use of the data that we should consider.  In this case, it is likely that we would need some kind of an "API" wrapped around the data that can be easily embedded.  In the case of mFoundry, we essentially have two primary API functions:

* Map from user agent to device identifier
* Request a property value for a device identifier/category/property definition.


On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Craig Setera <craigjunk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Per Christian's request on the call today, I'm starting the discussion about
this potential project on the mailing list.  My hastily thrown together
slides are located at
thanks to Christian.  As I mentioned on the call today, these were thrown
together and are by no means complete.

Some discussion topics I would like to throw out there:
* Is this something that people believe would be useful?
* Is this something that people believe should be considered by the working
* What platforms make sense to address?
* What is the best approach to moving forward?

Other thoughts?

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