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Re: [] OCL versions

Hi Adolfo

About MDT-OCL 3.0.0. Sorry, I read about it, but I haven't said anything. I think we must find an answer to the following questions:

Why MDT-OCL 1.3.0 has a plugin versioned as 2.0.0 (UML one). Is this intentional, or just a Christian's mistake ?. Should have all the plugins been versioned as 2.0.0. I guess that if we have an answer to this question, we must get the clue of which version number must be given to the MDT-OCL project in the Helios release:
API tooling requires that a major increment by a dependency is propagated, so when UML2 had a major increment org.eclipse.ocl.uml had to too.

Christian made a reasonable decision not to inflict a major increment on non-UML OCL users, so kept those at 1.x.

If it's intentional/valid/correct: MDT-OCL 2.0.0 would have org.eclipse.ocl and org.eclipse.ocl.ecore 2.0.0 plugins and org.eclipse.ocl.uml 3.0.0 plugin.
That's locally sensible but globally confusing.
If it's just a mistake: MDT-OCL 3.0.0 would have all their plugins in the 3.0.0 version.
I don't understand this. Mistake or not, that's where we are. We cannot re-release all UML OCL parts of Ganymede.

The last possibility is: In spite of being intentional/valid/correct, we may want to have all the plugins in the 3.0.0 version. From my point of view it's a little bit strange stepping from MDT-OCL 1.3.0 to MDT-OCL 3.0.0. In any case, I think that we must be lighted by Kenn or another PMC. I don't honestly know if there is any policy/guideline relating to this issue.
That's what I suggested and Alex +1'd. It's the least bad solution. Kenn queried it and, by lack of further participation in the discussion, accepts the explanation.


      Ed Willink

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