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[m2m-iwg] Hello


I'm Roger, I write mosquitto. I just subscribed and was reading the
archives. There are a couple of points I wanted to comment on.

There are no Ubuntu specific dependencies in mosquitto. Mike, since we
spoke I've enabled building packages for SLE 10 on the openSUSE build
service, which is where all of the rpm-based mosquitto packages are
created and hosted. It compiled fine, but I've not currently got a SLE
10 install to test it on. I do use it on openSUSE at work though. I'm
not suggesting that you use the repository if you don't want to, but
just that it looks like there shouldn't be any gotchas compiling on
SLE 10.

Before I heard the Eclipse plans to run a sandbox server I had been
planning on running a public facing mosquitto instance myself. I see
the roadmap has the sandbox being set up within the next 12-18 months.
I presume the plan is for it to be done well before then, but if it is
likely to take a little while (month or two) to get going I may well
look into running my own again. It does feel as though having that
ability would be very welcome at the moment when so many people are
just now being introduced to MQTT for the first time.



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