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Re: [m2e-dev] Wish to contribute an incubating bundle for easier import

On 04/14/2015 08:04 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
I think Jason's suggestions makes good sense and should be done.
Since maven eclipse has a marker we can use then skipping maven import makes perfect sense to do in this case. 
Telling users to use the generic import in this case kinda defeats the whole point of easyimport.
We're missing real usage data here. How many people do use "mvn eclipse:eclipse" as a bad habit, without knowing about m2e, and do this because they read that from some old wiki or documentation no-one updated for 4 years, vs how many do use "mvn eclipse:eclipse" specifically because it -still- works better for them than using m2e ?
Knowing that would help to make better choice.

Easymport is not going to be the perfect universal import mechanism for everything -simply because I don't believe this can exist-. It is going to be the import mechanism that works at best for the most common usage scenarios. People who have set up different ways of importing projects (using mvn eclipse:eclipse for example) should be kept out of the scope of this importer to have it focusing on more regular users IMO.
AFAIK, iopenin a Maven project inside Netbeans or IDEA doesn't give user much choice, and everyone is happy with this.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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