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[m2e-dev] How to convert an instance of Project to MavenProject?

I am programming an Eclipse Plug-In. A NewWizard should became a part of it. Its purpose is to simplify the creation of a maven project with predefined parameters. I managed to handle this job so far using the parts of m2e.core.ui to not reinvent the wheel, this snippet shows how the project is created:

final Job job = new AbstactCreateMavenProjectJob("Creating project" + projectName, workingSets)
    protected List<IProject> doCreateMavenProjects(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
        List<IProject> projects = MavenPlugin.getProjectConfigurationManager()
                                             .createArchetypeProjects(location, archetype,  groupId,
                                                                      artifactId, version, javaPackage,
                                                                      properties, importConfiguration, monitor);

        return projects;

However I've got some additional requirements. I need to modify two parameters of the created project. It should look kinda like that:

IMavenProjectFacade mPFacade = MavenPlugin.getMavenProjectRegistry().getProject(projects.get(0));

But MavenPlugin.getMavenProjectRegistry().getProjects(); returns an empty array, so getProject() returns null. How to do the conversion and set the parameters properly?

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