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[linux-distros-dev] Specfile editor committed; need svn help


I committed the RPM specfile editor after getting legal clearance to do
so under the parallel IP process.  This is good.  However, my subversion
skillz are quite lacking so I need some help.

I imported the editor as revision 442 and the tests as revision 443.  I
evidently needed to specify that they should go under trunk/ since they
ended up as siblings to trunk (and tags and branches).  I then:

1. re-namespaced the contents
2. moved them to trunk
3. renamed the directories

Now I'd like to create a tag for the initial imports but I can't seem to
do so due to the fact that I moved the resources.  Is this possible or
did I make it so we can't do that anymore?  If so, I'm sorry.  This is
apparently what subclipse is trying to do (sorry for the wrapping):

copy -r442 svn+ssh://aoverholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.linuxtools/rpm/trunk/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpm.ui.editor svn+ssh://aoverholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.linuxtools/rpm/tags/initial-import-from-sourceware-org

which results in:

svn: Path 'svn+ssh://aoverholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.linuxtools/rpm/trunk/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpm.ui.editor' does not exist in revision 442

Then I tried doing it from the command line:

svn copy -r442 svn+ssh://aoverholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.linuxtools/rpm/trunk/org.eclipse.linuxtools.rpm.ui.editor svn+ssh://aoverholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.linuxtools/rpm/tags/initial-import-from-sourceware-org
svn copy -r444 svn+ssh://aoverholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.linuxtools/rpm/org.eclipse.cdt.rpm.editor.tests svn+ssh://aoverholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.linuxtools/rpm/tags/initial-import-from-sourceware-org

This seemed to work but Subclipse's SVN Explorer view doesn't show the
contents in the tag.

Also, I tried to make a tag signalling the initial re-namespacing.
However, when I did so, it ended up putting the directory contents
THEMselves under the tag and not the project directory ITself.  How can
I fix this?

I've got the entire subclipse log file (229 kB) available if it can help
fix these problems.  Sorry about this.



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