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Re: [jwt-dev] JWT and GMF

Hi Rodrigue

GMF has been discussed already but maybe not openly (on the mailing list etc.). It helps configure and generate a diagram and its palette. Its good point is that it extends EMF's modeling and generation chain up to the diagram UI. It's bad point is that UI is a field where you may want to tinker to get exactly what you have in mind and that the configure / generation paradigm rather gets in the way. So if your default generated diagram is OK with you (and you've succeeded in generating it !), you've won some time and an architecture, otherwise...

Basically, right now the existing JWT code is GEF, nobody has the resources to rewrite it, and the main JWT architects (Florian, Miguel, me and I suppose Pierre) dislike GMF's generation magic. I've tried a little bit GMF and closely followed Stéphane Drapeau who at SCA Tools has successfully used it, and it seems to me that it has a steep learning curve, can really make tinkering difficult (for example, Stéphane wanted to have concept icons on top of the border of another) and would be harder to customize to support model and view extensibility. These two last points come from the fact that like EMF, it is aimed at creating end-user tools rather than extensible tools that other vendors would build on.

But it really comes down to the fact that our view developers are Augsburg's and are experts on GMF and not EMF, and that Miguel I guess also prefers GEF right now. I personally think that making views-like things in GMF would be way harder than in GEF and require heavy knowledge of GMF, even possibly help it evolve.


Rodrigue Le Gall a écrit :
Hi all,

I'm currently doing a quick 360° overview of eclipse technologies to implement DSL (domain specific language) and I found GMF.

I have a question about it for JWT community :
1) do you evaluate this technology according to the JWT requirements ? If yes what are the results (good points, bad points) ?
2) what is your opinion about this technology?


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