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Re: [jetty-users] jetty-env.xml not loaded in embedded jetty


The answer is here, near the top of the page:

You need to set up these configuration classes on the context that
represents your webapp for features like JNDI to work.


On 2 December 2011 18:53, Michel Jung <michel.jung89@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi
> I created a WAR file that can be run standalone. I'm using an embedded
> Jetty, Version 8.1.0.RC0. The eclipse documentation
> ( clearly says, that
> the jetty-env.xml would be loaded from WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml inside the WAR
> file. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen.
> What IS loaded, is the jetty-web.xml. I tried to configure the JNDI data
> source there, but it does not seem to work (NameNotFoundException).
> However, when using mvn jetty:run it works, so the setup-triangle web.xml -
> persistence.xml - jetty-env.xml should be correct.
> Can anyone tell me, why the jetty-env.xml is not loaded, how I make it to
> get loaded, and why JNDI seems not to work in jetty-web.xml?
> Thanks in advance.
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