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[jetty-dev] Updating jsp for jetty-7


I have started the process @Eclipse to update the version of jsp used for jetty-7:

This will move jasper up to version 2.1.3-b10 from Glassfish. This has a few bug
fixes in it, most notably for:

(which was fixed by Tomcat  5.5.15 in a different way with the system property org.apache.jasper.runtime.

Note that version 2.1.3-b10 is not the most recent 2.1.x release from Glassfish (at
the time of writing this is 2.1.3-b20) but we will be unable to use any release past b10
in jetty-7 because they have coded in dependencies on servlet 3.0.

Time to seriously consider moving away from Glassfish JSP impl?


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