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[higgins-dev] Notes from June 26 Higgins developers call

Notes from the Higgins Developers call on Thursday, June 26





 Charles Andres

 Paula Austel - IBM

* Jeff Broberg CA

* Duane Buss - Novell

 Anthony Bussani - IBM Zurich

* Greg Byrd - NCSU/IBM

* Brian Carrol - Serena

*Tom Doman - Novell

 Andy Hodgkinson - Novell

Valery Kokhan - Parity Ukraine

 David Kuehr-Mclaren - IBM

 Mike McIntosh - IBM 

* Tony Nadalin - IBM 

Dale Olds - Novell

Ernst Plassmann - IBM

 Uppili Srinivasan - Oracle

 Drummond Reed - Cordance

* Bruce Rich - IBM

Mary Ruddy - Meristic/SocialPhysics

* Markus Sabedello - Parity

* Jim Sermersheim - Novell

* George Stanchev - Serena

 Daniel Sanders

* Paul Trevithick - Parity/SocialPhysics

Brian Walker - Parity

 Jeesmon Jacob  - Parity 

* Carl Binding  - IBM 

* Tom Caroll - Parity 

 Ernst Plassmann  - IBM 

Mohamad - Oracle

*Hank Malden 


* Attendees

Meeting Notes



1) [Brian] 1.1M2 (20 June Completed)


* See:

* Next milestone is 1.1M3

{Mary}] Brian would you kickoff the first item?

[Brian] Milestone 2 was completed last Friday. We updated the list. There are a couple of wiki things that we are still cleaning up. Effectively M2 is completed. Did note from Bjorn that we need to refer to these as milestone builds, not releases. The next milestone is M3. Right now it is targeted for the 25th of July. Some of the things that were not in M2 were moved to M3.  So I will continue to iterate on that [M3 list]  So please review your items on the M3 list and update them or push them off to a more appropriate milestone. So please continue to iterate on M3 items.


2) [Brian] Nightly Auto-Test


* Continued coordination with Buckminster project.

[Brian] There are essentially 2 threads we are pursuing at the moment.  One is Buckminster. Next steps are one thread with Thomas - to talk about how we are currently doing builds in Higgins and compare notes to see if there are some collaboration activities going forward to see if we can leverage their integrated auto test. Thomas suggested a couple of other IBM folks that did some integrated automated testing. So are seeing what we can do to integrate auto testing with the builds.  And ultimately for automated UI testing as well.  So there is some coordination. That is the path we are continuing to pursue. Not much new to report on second part.  General goal is to drive the STS component as the guinea pig

3) [Brian & David] internationalization


* Next steps?


[Brian] The next topic is internationalization

[Mary] David is not on the call.

[Brian] We made some updates from last week's discussion. David has a specific project (IdAS) that he needs to drive.  So we will use it as the trial balloon. Want to get review inputs from other component owners so that they can go back and assess their components to the standard. Then assess component by component work that is needed to meet that [composite] standard.  I need to coordinate with David and get more people to review the proposed internationalization standard and comment on that. We can work o this using on email or schedule a separate call if needed.  If folks have a passion to comment, they can do so now.



4) [Mary] Home page design update



* Live with new look

* Skinning the wiki has been delayed by Ganymede release

* We added identity framework "Tip of the Iceberg" section

* Discussion of home page content

 [Mary]  Over the last few months we have been working on a new website for Higgins that would allow the project to have its own integrity. (I.e. to standout as a separate project from the Eclipse IDE) We’ve been working on a new look and feel that is compatible with the Eclipse logo, but is much lighter and more open (less purple.) We have also been working to make Higgins easier to understand.  We’ve received a lot of feedback that the previous descriptions were too abstract. So the home page now leads with a concrete example of the information card UI.  We’ve added the identity framework “tip of the Iceberg” section to the bottom, to then talk about the richness of the underlying identity framework.  We also are working on skinning the wiki so that it looks like the new website, but this work has been delayed by the Ganymede release.

[Jeff] I have a blog coming out that information cards are just the tip of the iceberg. Over the last year I've been using Infocards as a metaphor.  That works really great. It is a nice visual metaphor. Then sometimes they mistake that that is all it is. All the other wonderful things that we bringing to the table are missed, like making an apple into an orange… federation and managing websites.  I've been doing a lot of evangelization in CA that it is more than just Infocards. Maybe this is my one fault that I wasn’t paying enough attention.

[Mary]  Does the symbol of the iceberg - with the appropriate polish work for you?

[Jim] Yes, what is most important about Higgins is the identity layer, the underlying infrastructure.

[Hank] I will take it one step further. That the top tag should say open source identity framework, then it is fine to talk about Infocards underneath.

[Paul]  I was thinking a similar thing. That we could get away with that.  Then if you go to the other pages, the naïve users will get some sense of the overall scope of the project.

[Paul] Now that we have something on the home page that is fundamentally acceptable [digestible by a naïve user], we could get away with using the tag Open Source Identity Framework.

[Hank] We want to emphasize the bigger picture.  I love the cards and the mouse.  Want to continue to emphasize the big picture. 

[Paul] I think it could work.

[Mary] So the reason that we had moved away from leading with the framework is that we had received a lot of feedback that that was too abstract. People didn’t know what Higgins was.  We have been experimenting with leading with a concrete example of a UI, the card metaphor that people can relate to, then talking about what Higgins can do underneath.  We tried this out at the Internet Identity Workshop and the feedback was very positive.  What I’m hearing people say is that now that we do have a specific example on the home page, we can go back and lead with a more generic tag line.

[Hank]  Yes, not have information cards [as the header} on every page. It [the home page] flows, and tip of the iceberg helps. Need to bring people in slowly. I often lead with the card and then talk about the framework.

{Mary] Can we take a straw poll?  Anyone disagree?

[Tony] What is the specific proposal?

[Paul] The proposal is to change the tag [at the top of every web page] to be Open Source Identity Framework. So we aren’t pigeon holing the whole project, but that we lead with something concrete {the cute mouse} to get people’s attention.

[Mary] The revised tag would be on every page

[Tony] We shouldn’t be leading with Information Cards.  We need to remove this quickly.

[Paul] Does anyone disagree?


[Paul] The tip of the iceberg is a place holder. We will add more detail to it.

[Mary] We will look into adding a picture in this section.

[Paul] Cool

[Greg] ….. Long term, we could make that stuff as acceptable as the information card support.

[Paul] We could link to a picture of the framework diagram if folks are interested and want to read more.

[Paul] We have found that that the home page was the place where we needed to make changes.  We only made minor changes to the other pages and cleaned up the look and feel.

[Mary] We will keep working on the home page

[Jeff] That is a good idea. I like the metaphor of the tip of the iceberg and potentially bringing in more stuff [detail]. That is great, I would be happy with that.

[BrianC] I also agree with that.

[Tony] I'm against leading off with Infocard.  That is not what we are about. That is a minor part of Higgins.

[Paul] It is the most accessible part. We weren’t only talking about information cards, we just lead off with it.

[Tony]That is what I object to

(More conversation.)

 [Mary] We did originally lead off with the framework, but it didn’t work. We got a lot of feedback that the message wasn’t clear, so we experimented and tried something different.

[Tony] That is fine, but related back to Microsoft. The user interface may go away. People are interested in interoperation among identity management systems.

[Paul] The Infocard concept was brought out by Microsoft, but it is not longer just Microsoft.

[Paul] I’m here at the Burton Group Catalyst conference.  As far as the Burton Group is concerned Bob [Blakley] says it is definite that the technology is not Microsoft.  So far as the Burton Group is concerned, it is not about Microsoft.  [This was said in a conference session.].

[Paul] It is now a generic term

[Tony] That is the minority of the people.

[Paul] I think this will change over time. We will see.

[Paul] So changing the tag line will clear this up.  We are acutely trying to address the biggest problem that we had.  I.e. that the abstractness of it made it difficult to understand for the majority of the people. We will keep iterating on this, two steps forward, one step back.

[Hank] Another thing we might want to do.  Maybe add a few sentences before the Infocards part, to give a little more impression of the whole thing.

[Paul] We could try that.

[Hank] I'm trying to keep this to minimal changes. I do like the example of the tip of the iceberg, and adding more to that section.  Maybe not quite a menu, but that points to the detail below. Maybe a sentence or two...

[Paul] Let’s try that and do it for next week. We can talk about it again.

[Hank] I do like this.  The fonts and colors are fine.  It is very pleasing. Kudos.

[Mary] Thank you.  Many thank to all the folks who are working on this and providing feedback.

[Mary] We will work on this [the new tag line and intro paragraph].

[Tony] I don’t know what it will look like. 

[Mary] We will work on this on the list.

5) [IBM?] Project Zero

[Mary] Is there anyone from IBM on the call who can speak to this topic?

[Tony] Don't know what Tom is interested in hearing about.

[Tom] That was very abstract. I just started looking at that. It looks like a way to quickly create restful apps. Seemed like a potential participation point for Higgins to come in. If that is not the case, than that is OK.

[Tony] It was brought up in the context of multi-protocol RP support. Going to multi-protocol RP support is unlikely to include Infocards due to restfulness. Some stuff done in zero (multi-protocol support] will make its way back into Higgins.

[Tom] I was thinking it would enable WebSphere to create restful apps using IdAS. We are working on a restful IdAS server at Novel. Looked like a complementary item. I don’t know if that is the type of thing IBM is looking for. But I thought it might be a potential collaboration point.   

[Tom] What is built in project zero today is the API for creating an app and being identity aware.  There are a set of language neutral bindings for enabling the web application from an OpenID perspective and maybe others as move along. That part is there already......

[Tony] That is all part of the multi-protocol support that has been put back into Higgins.

[Tom] That maybe all that I needed. Thank you.

[Mary] [In conclusion] I will start by making the change [to the banner] at the top of the web pages.

[Tony] I’m just worried about how long this will take…

[Mary] The tag line is part of the logo design, so I need to go back to the designer to get this changed. We will make the changes as soon as possible.

[Paul] We will move as fast as we can, and keep soliciting feedback. The only way to do this is to iterate.

[Paul] Anything else? 


[Paul] Great. See you next week. 

End - 12:46 PM EDT

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